Monday, September 22, 2008

Things you should never say to a man

Things you should never say to a woman

You never listen to me!
When you say this to your man, what he's hearing is, "Oh, you mean I don't always do exactly as you say!" Yes, we do have a tendency to say 'never' even if it is just one or two things that our men are not doing. So, instead of saying it like that and getting into the what-do-you-mean-by-never argument, women should stick to the one thing that they are actually talking about.

You're not going to wear THAT are you?
Anytime a woman says this to her man, she is not saying it for him but more for herself because she's probably embarrassed about how her man is looking after wearing that. But obviously your man was GOING to wear that or he wouldn't have put it on! So, either you let your man decide what looks good on him, or if you're really not happy about what he's wearing then politely request him to change.

We can remain friends...
This is perhaps the worst thing any woman can say to a man after she has broken up with him. No! He doesn't want to be just friends with you; he has other people for that. So, if you're going to dump him, please make it a clean break and at least give him the chance to get over you and on with his life, instead of remaining in his life and making it tougher for him.

Are you sure...
You ask a basic question to your man about a topic that you pretty much know nothing about but your man does know a lot. He provides you with a straight and confident reply and you respond with an "are you sure?" That's practically like spitting on your man's ego! So, trust his answers and if you can't, then don't ask the question.

You're like a brother to me
Ladies, no man wants to hear that from any woman unless she really is his sister. You may mean it in the nicest way possible, but most men will take it as an insult and feel that they're not good enough for you and that's why you're putting them in the brother category.

Is it in yet?
Seriously ladies! How cruel do you really have to be to ask your man something like that? That's like the worst thing you can say to your man and once you say it there's no taking it back. If this is a recurring problem with you, perhaps you can say something more tactful like, "Here, let me show you what pleases me most."

Oh my god! You're done so fast?
This is the second worst thing you can say to a man after 'Is it in yet?' All men want to hear that they are sex gods and studs in bed. So, unless you're really looking to hurt the guy you're with, you'll never tell him this.

Here, let me fix that for you
When a woman sees her man struggling with something, she often tries to do the job for him thinking that she's only helping him. However, men take this to mean that you think they are wimps and can't do even the smallest thing right. So, wait for your man to ask for help before going to his rescue!

Honey, size doesn't really matter to us
Yes, it may be true that size does not matter to women, but no matter how often you say that, your man is simply not going to believe you. And the very fact that you said such a thing is proof that you have thought about the size of his penis or wouldn't have brought up the topic!

We need to TALK
The four little magic words that are sure to send any man running for cover. The minute men hear this, their defences are up and they're thinking, "Oh, no! What did I do now?" If you really have something important to discuss, just start talking without telling him that you need to talk!

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