Friday, September 26, 2008

tips for getting a good night's rest

Ten Tips for Getting a Good Night's Rest
1. Switch off all the lights in the bedroom, including the night-light. Lighted displays on the radio, music system, or the TV need to go too.
2. Stop working on the computer or watching telly at least an hour before bedtime. Lights from the screen can cause your sleep cycle to be reset and may push forward your sleep time by 2-3 hours.
3. No reading that exciting thriller in bed. You won't be able to sleep if your mind is trying to figure out who the killer is.
4. Similarly, no horror movies at night. You don't want to be kept awake by every little creak or noise in your home!
5. A glass of warm milk is known to do wonders. And no, it's not just grandma's remedy, but milk contains a particular type of amino acid that helps to slow down brain activities, thus inducing sleep.
6. No meals or snacks at least 3 hours before bedtime. If you get hungry, try that glass of warm milk instead.
7. No caffeine or nicotine products close to bedtime. This includes tea, coffee, cold drinks, cigarettes, and other tobacco products. Oh yes…alcohol too!
8. Take a warm bath and use scented oils such as chamomile, vanilla, or lavender in your bath water as they help you to relax.
9. Wearing socks to bed is known to bring restful sleep. The exact reason is unclear, but it works!
10. Early to bed and early to rise keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Well…if early bedtimes and early wakeup times are beyond you, at least try to sleep and get up at the same time each day, no matter what time that is.

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