Friday, September 26, 2008

tips for creating the right atmosphere for lovemaking

1. Paint your bedroom in light colours such as pastels, cream, yellow etc which help you to relax and avoid loud, colours such as red, blue, purple etc.
2. Make sure your bed and mattress are of a good quality so that embarrassing creaks don't ruin the moment.
3. Splurge on silk and satin sheets for the bed.
4. Burn candles to create a special ambience.
5. Hang romantic pictures on the walls. Having one or two erotic sculptures can also do the trick, but go for erotic and not outright pornographic.
6. Keep pictures of kids, parents, or other family members out of the bedroom.
7. Spray a nice, soothing scent in the bedroom to enhance erotic feelings.
8. Create the perfect atmosphere through music that is romantic and passionate.
9. Install mood lighting in your bedroom with the help of dimmer switches, uplights, and downlights.
10. Keep your bedroom clean and free from mess and other things that could provide unnecessary distraction.

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