Monday, September 22, 2008

Things you should never say to a woman

Things you should never say to your woman

Figure 1

Why don't you relax!
Ok, so maybe your woman is really upset or freaking out about something. But telling her to relax is going to have the very opposite effect and make her even angrier. Telling your lady to relax somehow denotes that you think she is being crazy and irrational. So, don't tell her to relax but say something like, "I know this is really upsetting so let's discuss it.

"Whatever you decide is ok with me
Don't ever say this to your woman unless you're absolutely fine with whatever she decides. If you're simply going to tell her this to take the decision off your hands but then knock down whatever she decides, then that is nothing but a recipe for disaster.

She: Where should we go for dinner?
You: Whatever you decide is ok with me.
She: Let's go to the Chinese joint at the mall.
You: Yuck, they don't serve any draught beer!
She: Oh ok. How about the Italian place then?
You: No, no. Too many kids in that place.
She: *What the heck!$%* followed by a 15 minute blah blah blah which you entirely deserve but are still wondering what you did to instigate!

I like a woman with a little meat on her bones
Ok, so maybe you're not trying to say that your woman is fat but genuinely like a woman with a rounder shape, but we still don't want to hear it! Most women are quite touchy about their looks and weight, so please refrain from sharing this little titbit with them.

So, it must be that time of the month, huh?
Just because your woman is emotionally upset, you naturally assume it is 'that time of the month'. Not only is this not true but your assumptions are extremely rude. Yes, PMS may cause some mood swings and your woman may be in some pain, but have you stopped to think that the reason your woman is having an emotional outburst is because you behaved like an ass (yet again) and nothing to do with PMS.

Don't take this the wrong way, but...
The fact that you think whatever you're about to say can be taken in a wrong way should be indication enough that it will be taken in exactly that way. So, either don't say whatever it is you're going to, or at least try and find a better way to say it.

You're behaving just like your mother
If your woman really idealizes her mother, she won't appreciate your saying this as it means that you think her mother behaves crazily too. On the other hand if your lady has some issues with her mother, she'll probably want to kill you for saying she's like her mother. And if you do say this, be prepared to hear something back like, "Better than behaving like yours!"

Are you sure you want to eat that?
If this phrase ever leaves your mouth, be prepared to get the worst stare of your life; something which goes, "I can't believe you just said that!" Maybe your woman is reaching out for that piece of cake which she said she wouldn't do, but she doesn't need you to remind her of it.

Of course, you're never going to admit you are wrong...
Firstly, why should a woman admit she is wrong when she probably isn't? Secondly, perhaps there is no clear cut right or wrong in whatever you're discussing. Maybe it is a matter of a difference of opinion and nothing else. Just because it's not your way does not necessarily mean her way is wrong. So, instead of telling her she is too full of herself to even consider she is wrong, why not agree to disagree and leave it at that?

When are you due?
If the woman you ask this question to is actually pregnant, then fine. But if she's not and she responds with, "I'm not pregnant," or "I already had the baby" then just imagine how mortified you'll be. Your considerate curiosity can turn out to be very offensive indeed. So, never ask a woman this question unless she tells you that she is indeed pregnant.

I love you
Surprised to find this one in a list of things you should NEVER say to a woman? Well... I love you should be said only if you sincerely mean it from the bottom of your heart. It should never be said just because you think your woman wants to hear it or because you want to end a fight by saying that. If your woman realizes that you're anything less than 100% sincere when you say 'I love you' to her, there will be hell to pay!

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